Avondale University church
Saturdays at 10:50 am AEDT, 582 Freemans Dr, Cooranbong
Our purpose is…
to inspire, equip and empower people
to respond to God’s love and calling.

Join uS tHROUGH…
Our life groups are a way to build our community not just on the weekends but throughout the week. Life groups, bring people together through a variety of activities such as dance, exercise, cooking and more. You can join a life group that suits you or create and lead one of your own.
Our connect groups are run each Saturday before the leading service. Connect groups are usually divided into age ranges so each family member can spend time fellowshipping and learning more about Our Father. Come along one Saturday morning and find out more.
Young Adults is for both uni students and other young adults in our community. Meeting in Lower College Hall, this group allows our young adult community to learn more about Jesus together and enjoy a time of connection and fellowship.