Jesus said “to let the little children come unto me.” Here at University Church we want to do just that for our UC Kids. We have four different classes running on Saturdays, they are:
Beginners (0 - 3 years old)
Kindy (4-6 years old)
Primary (Grade 1 - 3)
Junior (Grade 4 - 6)
We have a fun educational learning area which is called the UC Kids courtyard, where the four spaces are located. We invite all parents, grandparents and kids to come along from 9:45 am Saturdays. We can’t wait to see you there.
Please note our Beginners room is also open during the Church Service as a playroom for families - our church service is live streamed into this space.
There is also a Parents Room in our foyer (left hand side) - suitable for nursing mothers etc - our church service is also live streamed into this space.

Download the Parent Cue app for FREE.
This app connects to our weekly lessons, so you can deepen your families’ devotional time during the week. This will give you age-appropriate content for each of your children, with an approach to learning which is science-based.
We hope your family loves this resource we provide for free.
Click the PC graphic to download.
Got Questions?
If you have any questions regarding University Church’s Kids groups please fill out this form and our children’s ministry leader will be in touch ASAP.
We are always in need of an extra helping hand during our UC Kids time, so if you are interested in leading out for one our UC Kids groups, or even just want to volunteer, please also fill out the form - we would love to have you.